On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Robert Vetter wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to run PHP with Java support and don't get it to work. First
> I compiled PHP '--with-java=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/'. Then I added this to
> the PHP.ini file:
> [Java]
> java.home=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2

> /jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/i386/native_threads
> java.library=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/i386/libjava.so
> java.extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/libphp_java.so
> Now, when I try to instantiate a JAVA class I get this error: Fatal
> error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: java in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on line 3.

I do not have any experience in running Java from PHP, but I sug­
gest replacing variable called java.class.path with path to  real
java libraries. What for the sources (src.jar) are there? Or may­
be in java.library.path you should point to  jar  files  (rt.jar,
where  the  java.lang.System  class  resides). Please try and say
what the result is.




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