Alain Roger wrote:

i'm on PHP training and our lector is telling us that to avoid counting an
array item amout thanks count($my_array), he tells we can do:
 ... do something
but from experience this is an infinity loop...

it should be always something like
$count = count($my_array);
while($i <= $count)
do something

has someone already use such syntax ? i mean as the first one.

sounds like a poor teacher, however I have a feeling he simply wants you to be able to count the items in an array without using the count() function. In this case you would be best to use a foreach loop.

you are correct in saying that a while($myarray) loop would be infinite, unless you use a function to reduce the array on each iteration of the while loop as such:
$myarray = array('a','b','c','d','e','f');
$count = 0;
while ( $myarray ) {
        $count += array_pop($myarray) ? 1 : 0;
echo $count;

but.. get a new teacher :p (no offense)

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