Hi Alain,

In short, you can't. It's the users computer that remembers what headers it sent last time, and when you refresh, it WILL ask them to send those headers again.

The way this is typically handled from a programming perspective is to do all your processing on one page, and then jump away [via header("Location: ") ] to another page for display. This is the only way I have come across to solve this problem.

You could use a Switch statement on the page to handle this, by passing it's case via querystring. e.g. Case 1: Process; Case 2: display;

Hope this helps,
- Craige

Alain Roger wrote:

i have a PHP page with a form.
when user click on submit button, it sends form data to itself (so it sends
data $_POST to itself).
i would like to access to header itself to reset those $_POST data to avoid
(in case of F5 under windows system) to resend the same data serveral time.
therefore how can i get the header data and change them ?


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