Eduardo Vizcarra wrote:
I am having a hard time trying to get some pages work. I have PHP 5.2.8, Apache 2.2 and MySQL 5.1 running in a Windows Vista home edition. All packages were installed, and configured, the strange thing is that pages commonly work but when I add a new line (e.g. an echo line) with a dummy text, Apache crashes and it is restarted

I am using Eclipese europa to create the code

e.g. I have this code and the page works:
include 'upper_pagina.php';
include 'forma.php';
 $link = mysql_connect("","root","root");
 if (!$link)
echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' bordercolor='FFFFFF'>\n";
  echo "<tr>\n";
  echo "<td bgcolor='FF9327'>\n";
  echo "<b>La Base de datos no esta disponible en este momento.<BR>";
  echo "Disculpe las molestias, intente mas tarde</b>";
  echo "</td>\n";
  echo "</tr>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";
mysql_select_db("estoydevacacionesdb") or die("No pudo seleccionarse la BD.");
 $busquedasql1 = "select * from servicios";
include 'bottom_pagina.php';

but if I add a new line ($servicios1 = mysql_query($busquedasql1);) before the last include line, apache crashes, it has been very hard for me to identify what it is causing this problem

any clue ?


also.. you may find it worth while to upgrade to the PDT 2.0 version of eclipse which uses ganymede and comes with the zend debugger, allowing you to test and debug you're code in eclipse.

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