Jim McIntyre wrote:
> I'm new to PHP 5 and classes, but I've done a lot of ActionScript.
> I'm trying to use PHPMailer inside my own class (a service for
> AMFPHP). I'm having problems getting the data that'spassed into my
> class's send() method to the instance of the PHPMailer.
> Basically, I have this:
> class EmailAMF {
>   public function send ($from, $to, $subject, $body) {
>     require('class.phpmailer.php');
>     $phpMail = new PHPMailer();
>     $phpMail->From = $from;
>     $phpMail->AddAddress($this->to);
>     $phpMail->Subject = $subject;
>     $phpMail->Body = $body;
>     return $phpMail->Send();
>   }
> }
> As far as I can tell, it sends an essentially blank email to nobody
> (but returns true.
> If I replace any of my function variables with strings, like this:
>    $phpMail->AddAddress('m...@example.com');
> the email actually "gets" that data.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Jim
$this -> to

it has no meaning in the scope of your class.

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