MikeP schreef:
> Hello,
> I am trying to output the value of the following:($x is an int incremented 
> by a for statement.
>     echo "<tr>
>     <td width='110' bgcolor='$row_color' nowrap>
>    '$users[$x][U]'</td>
>     </tr>";
> I have tried putting the quotes all over and all I get is:
> 'Array[U]'.
> What am I doing wrong.

you need to help php understand your 'complex' interpolated var
(and I'm assuming the key U is not a constant, so ...:


echo " foo {$users[$x]['U']} bar ";

I wouldn't worry about performance overhead of interpolation as opposed
to string concatenation ... fixing and/or caching of the DB query
(from which I assume your generating the $users array), if you have a
performance issue, will win you orders of magnitude more performance
than any string interpolation micro-optimization you might undertake.

> Thanks
> Mike 

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