On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Shiplu <shiplu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a very common issue. I searched and found many sites talking
> about this. but no good solution.
> Well the problem is I want to set my session will expire after 10
> minutes of inactivity. Just like an banking site.
> When user is inactive for 10 minutes the session will expire. In fact
> the browser will delete the cookie.
> The browser will delete the cookie because it was told by the server.
> I used these lines

Don't trust client-side actions.


> session_cache_expire(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
> session_set_cookie_params(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT*60);
> ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT * 60);
> session_start();
> It runs at the very beginning of my application. APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT
> has value 10 which is in minutes.
> The problem is it works good in FF3. But not in IE.
> Any Idea how to resolve it? or any standard way to fix it?

I'm not sure if there is any "standard" way to fix it. What I do is
just compare current time with the last action time. If it's bigger
than my timeout, session_destroy().

If anyone has any other ideas, I'd like to hear it. :)

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Thiago Henrique Pojda
http://nerdnaweb.blogspot DOT com

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