2009/1/7 L. Herbert <lherb...@iluvmydesign.com>:
> Let me clarify, I am using PHP to call/receive via the YouTube API and to
> format/display the return data within my PHP application.  I believe that
> has a little something to do with PHP.  Forgive my presumption if otherwise.

As I understand it you're wanting to request a collection of videos
from multiple user accounts in a single API call. PHP cannot help you
if the API does not support doing that, so you need to direct the
question at people who maintain and use the API.

PHP can do a great many things, but it cannot remotely change the
functionality of a third party API.



> On Jan 7, 2009, at 4:40 AM, Stuart wrote:
>> 2009/1/7 L. Herbert <lherb...@iluvmydesign.com>:
>>> Does anyone know if it is possible to get a collection of YouTube videos
>>> from multiple user accounts?  If so, can you provide some insight and
>>> direction?
>>> Someone more knowledgeable than me on this topic indicated that it is
>>> only
>>> possible get a collection of YouTube videos on a per account basis.  On
>>> its
>>> face this make sense to me but I'm just getting a second opinion.
>>> I realize I can loop requests via the API and format the results as
>>> needed,
>>> but was hoping for a more streamlined option.
>> This question has nothing to do with PHP. I suggest you try the
>> YouTube developers site - I'm sure there's a resource there that can
>> help you... http://youtube.com/dev
>> -Stuart
>> --
>> http://stut.net/

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