Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 08:57 +0200, Paul Scott wrote:
On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 22:51 -0800, It flance wrote:
The message is to webhosting companies,

This is not a web hosting company.

Israel is killing palestinian children. Some sites are are showing the fotos of israel's holocoste against palestinians. Now here is a link that shows to israelis how to fight that too:

Please be aware of that.
What exactly does this inane crap have to do with PHP? I see that there
is an asshole like you on almost every list that I subscribe to (many)
and I am tired of politics creeping into FREE software. I think that
part of MY FREEDOM that you are infringing on is my FREEDOM from
politics. If I was interested in this crap, I would subscribe to an

Thank YOU and good luck.
-- Paul

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I think the site might be written in ColdFusion even. Totally the wrong
list. I didn't read the content of it. Looked like more political
propaganda crap.


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