On 10/01/2009, at 10:21 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 16:16, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:

We're at -13C right now without windchill and this is in Ottawa which is
a lot further south than I've lived in the past (Timmins, Sudbury).

   Yeah, no offense, my friend, but you can keep it.  We're a balmy
22F (-5C) right now in Scranton.

   Anyway, back to the whole OS discussion:


And my elePHPants wonder why they're not allowed to see it.
Simon Welsh
Admin of http://simon.geek.nz/

Who said Microsoft never created a bug-free program? The blue screen never, ever crashes!


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