>I'd like to know how small my content gets when i use
>so far i tried
>echo "<!-- $length -->\n";
>but it outputs
><!-- 17280 -->
>while apache says in its logfile:
> - - [29/Jun/2001:12:43:59 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2028


I'm guessing the gzip part happens "in place" as the data is being streamed
to the browser, not before you call ob_get_contents.

If so, you now have one data point.  Your 17280-character string gets turned
into 2028 (?) bytes???  To see if this is maybe a correct thesis, snag the
HTML output, and run gzip on it, and see if it's 17,280 bytes before and
2028 after.

So maybe there's no real way to know what the compressed size is...  Unless
you want to try to match up your log file entries with your ob_get_contents
measurement above.

Does gz-handler not provide any facility for measuring its performance or
anything?...  You'd think it would...

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