On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:19:31 +0200, Thodoris wrote:

> Variable_name         Value
> character_set_client  utf8
> character_set_connection      utf8
> character_set_database        latin1
> character_set_filesystem      binary
> character_set_results         utf8
> character_set_server  latin1
> character_set_system  utf8
>> What's the character set of the column you get the data from?
> The charset: latin1 and the collation: latin1_swedish_ci.

I'm not sure exactly how these affect the data
returned to PHP. The 'connection' and 'results'
variables would suggest utf8. In any case, it
must be one of 'latin1' or 'utf8'.

What happens if you do:

  /* or 'ISO-8859-1' */

It would still be helpful to see a hexdump.


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