On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 04:30:59PM -0500, John Corry wrote:

> Well, bummer.
> I *seriously* need to divine a way to increase my efficiency both
> immediately and for the long term as I maintain tomorrow the
> applications I build today.
> For the new-to-frameworks, is there a better/easier framework to use
> that will streamline the development process from the beginning?
> I've looked at Codeigniter and LOVE the user guide/documentation...the
> underlying philosophy of that product looks very attractive too.
> Any others?

If you're going to go with a prebuilt framework, I'd recommend
CodeIgniter for your first time out. If the docs look good to you (and
they are pretty good), you'll probably do fine with it. It's about the
lightest weight platform out there. It doesn't get in your way too much,
but gives you the benefits of using a framework.

My beef with frameworks like this is that they have too much cruft. I
checked one time and codeigniter (again, one of the *lightest*
frameworks) open about 15 files before a byte gets written to the
screen. There is a lot of stuff in there you don't need (benchmarking
code, etc.). I'd hack that stuff out if I were using it for real.

One of the things you'll have to get used to is the MVC way of doing
things. When you first start writing PHP, you probably don't do things
this way, but when you start using frameworks, you've got to starting
thinking in terms of what the view will do, versus what the controller,
versus what the model will do. It's just a change of viewpoint you have
to get used to.

In any case, I've used CodeIgniter and liked it. I just didn't like all
the cruft in it. And their license is not a straight GPL-like license--
it requires attribution even on derivative projects and requires clear
notice of any changes you make to their code. But for a framework, it's
pretty good.


Paul M. Foster

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