On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 08:32:14PM -0800, paragasu wrote:

> i have this cute little problem. i want to print a to z for site navigation
> my first attempt work fine
> for($i = '65'; $i < '91'; ++$i)
>   echo chr($i);
> but someone point me a more interesting solutions
> for($i = 'a'; $i < 'z'; ++$i)
>   echo $i
> the only problem with the 2nd solutions is it only print up to Y without z.
> so how to print up to z with the 2nd solutions? because it turn out
> that you cant to something
> like for($i = 'a'; $i <= 'z'; ++$i)..

for ($i = 'a'; $i <= 'z'; $i++)
    echo $i;


Paul M. Foster

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