On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Chris <dmag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Yea if you're only targeting 1 db, then why not use that class?  At
>>>> least then there's the php manual to figure out what something does.
>>> Because then to add query logging for the whole app, you just need to put
>>> it
>>> in the class :)
>>> (I've done that before to check what's being run and where from, comes in
>>> very handy).
>> That's done by tail -f /var/log/mysql/query.log. :D
> That won't tell you where a query comes from ;) Add a debug_backtrace into
> the class to also pinpoint where the query was called from. Complicated
> queries built on variables (or even just long queries built over multiple
> lines) will be hard to find just by looking at the mysql query log.
> --
> Postgresql & php tutorials
> http://www.designmagick.com/

I've been using it for 5 years now and haven't had problems.  Then
again I still write sql by hand too.  I only use it when something is
acting really weird and I'm having a hard time.  So it is a targeted
process where I know what I'm looking for.

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