On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Kyle Terry <k...@kyleterry.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:56 AM, Nathan Rixham <nrix...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Larry Garfield wrote:
>>> Greetings, all.  I am looking for feedback on a documentation question, in
>>> the hopes that someone else has found a good solution to an abnormal
>>> situation.
>>> We're in the process of introducing OOP syntax to a large procedural code
>>> base.  Our developer base is a mixture of people who are procedural-centric
>>> and those that flip between procedural and OOP easily.  One area we've run
>>> into is documenting some of the more complex OOP interactions.  For example,
>>> if we have a method chain:
>>> foo()->bar()->baz()->narf();
>>> some developers have expressed concern in figuring out which narf() method
>>> is actually being called, since foo(), bar() and baz() may return objects of
>>> different classes (of the same interface) depending on various conditions
>>> (the classic factory pattern).
>>> Currently, we're including a docblock (Doxygen, close enough to PHPDoc for
>>> government work) on the interface or parent class that has full docs, and
>>> then nothing on the child classes.  My understanding of docblocks is that
>>> most documentation parsers prefer that, so that the docblock itself
>>> inherits.
>>> One suggestion that has been raised is to reference the parent class and
>>> factory function in a comment after the method signature.  That is:
>>> class Narfing_mysql {
>>>  // ...
>>>  public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
>>>    // ...
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> So that it can be easily grepped for.  That strikes me as a very hacky
>>> non-
>>> solution.  Does anyone else have a recommendation for how to improve such
>>> documentation?  Is there a standard in PHPDoc that I don't know about?  Any
>>> other projects doing something like that?
>> first idea would just be to use the @return; if they're using any kind
>> decent of ide it'll show the return type; failing that they can check the
>> docs
>> class Narfing_mysql {
>>  /**
>>  *
>>  * @return Type
>>  */
>>  public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
>>    // ...
>>  }
>> }
>> or not best practice but i dare say
>> class Narfing_mysql {
>>  /**
>>  *
>>  * @return TypeA, TypeB
>>  */
>>  public function narf() { // Narfing  foo()
>>    // ...
>>  }
>> }
>> or in the method description with @see Class inline links?
>> regards
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> Eric and I were just discussing something similar yesterday. We
> discovered you can make private and protected method calls from two
> different instances of the same object type. I personally called this
> reference hopping.
> --
> Kyle Terry | www.kyleterry.com
> Help kick start VOOM (Very Open Object Model) for a library of PHP classes.
> http://www.voom.me | IRC EFNet #voom
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

And I called it haxx. ;)

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