On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Nitsan Bin-Nun <nit...@binnun.co.il>wrote:

> I was just wondering whether people enclosing their PHP tags declarations,
> I don't close these <?php tags just because the interpreter doesn't really
> needs them,
> and for the second reason - if a space/tab/new line/etc will beneath them
> it
> will cause
> problems with output buffering and session handling.
> Do you close your PHP <?php tags?
> (at least I closed them here :P look down)

My suggestion don't close it.  Headers already sent is a big problem because
most of the time you see nothing but "PHP Blank Of Death". If you don't have
access to tail ur log then its like a nightmare. I never understood this
error when I was a beginner.


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