At 7:03 PM +0000 2/5/09, Nathan Rixham wrote:
IMHO forget the active flag, replace it with a field "deleted" which is a timestamp, then you've got an audit trail of when the it was removed :)

infact often seen three fields on every table, "inserted, updated and deleted" all timestamps and self explanatory.


As usual, you (and others on this list) have clarity on this.

I think I'll go your route except I'll have a "date created" and "date inactive" field but not a "date updated" field.

In this situation there would never be a reason for an update. After all, the tutor_course record is created when an assignment is made -- when the assignment is broken, then the record becomes inactive. So, there's no reason to update. "Do, or don't do, there is no try." -- Yoda




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