2009/2/8 tedd <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com>:
> At 8:44 PM +0000 2/8/09, Stuart wrote:
>> 2009/2/8 tedd <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com>:
>>  > just trying to get a handle on the number of people who program in php
>> --
>>>  what's wrong with wanting to know that figure?
>> There's nothing wrong with wanting to know it, there's just no
>> reliable way to measure it so why bother asking for it?
> Huh!?
> I must be getting dumber by the minute.
> If you don't know there's no reliable way to measure something, then what's
> wrong with asking about it? At least now I can say "There's no reliable way
> to determine that figure, so I don't know the answer."
> Sometimes trying to get a question answered on this list is a bit like
> running through a gauntlet of "Why are you asking that? You should know
> better!"
> Now maybe you didn't mean it that way, but IMO that appears more demeaning
> of the poster than providing help. I'm surprised, because that's not typical
> of you nor this list.

Indeed. Not really sure what I was thinking when I wrote it and I
apologise for the attitude.

Asking questions should never be discouraged, but the point still
stands that it's important to understand the margin of error in the



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