
on 03/05/2009 02:31 AM Jason Cipriani said the following:
> Thanks. I actually had a look at the HttpRequest source code, and I
> can see the logic where it switches to multipart encoding if files are
> present but it actually appears that it's not possible to force it to
> do that. It's sort of annoying that it's right at my finger tips but
> there's no way to do it, and for sort of a silly reason (there's
> arbitrarily no way to pick which encoding to use, it decides for you
> even though it has the capability of doing anything). A custom PECL
> build is not an option, unfortunately.
> I'll have to check out the httpclient class that Manuel Lemos mentioned.

Yes, the HTTP client class follows the same logic but has a variable
named force_multipart_form_post that you can set to make it send
multipart form posts as if you were submitting a form with an empty file


Manuel Lemos

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