On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Chris <dmag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> haliphax wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Sebastian Muszytowski
>> <s.muszytow...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> haliphax schrieb:
>>>>> [..cut...]
>>>> Except when your primary key value rolls over, or fills a gap between
>>>> two other rows that was left when a row was deleted/moved/etc... there
>>>> has got to be a better way than grabbing rows in descending order
>>>> based on the auto_increment value.
>>>> Are you doing the inserts one at a time? If so, why not just use code
>>>> to remember what you put in the DB?
>>> I do the inserts one at a time, i could use code to remember but i think
>>> it
>>> would be very slow when i have too much users.
>>> The second thing that aware me from doing this is, why use/build
>>> ressources
>>> when you could use others? i think why should i use and add another
>>> system?
>>> I work with mysql already and when php+mysql have the function i need
>>> it's
>>> better and i don't waste ressources :)
>> Insert 100 records. Delete 50 of them at random. Now do your "grab the
>> last few records and sort them in descending order" trick and see
>> where it gets you.
> Mysql does not re-use id's (nor does any other db as far as I'm aware, and
> nor should it). I don't know where you got that idea from.
> mysql> create table test (id int auto_increment not null primary key, name
> text);
> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.12 sec)
> mysql> insert into test(name) values
> ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five'),('six'),('seven'),('eight'),('nine'),('ten');
> Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec)
> Records: 10  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
> mysql> select * from test;
> +----+-------+
> | id | name  |
> +----+-------+
> |  1 | one   |
> |  2 | two   |
> |  3 | three |
> |  4 | four  |
> |  5 | five  |
> |  6 | six   |
> |  7 | seven |
> |  8 | eight |
> |  9 | nine  |
> | 10 | ten   |
> +----+-------+
> 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> delete from test where id in (1,3,7);
> Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
> mysql> insert into test(name) values('eleven');
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from test;
> +----+--------+
> | id | name   |
> +----+--------+
> |  2 | two    |
> |  4 | four   |
> |  5 | five   |
> |  6 | six    |
> | 11 | eleven |
> |  8 | eight  |
> |  9 | nine   |
> | 10 | ten    |
> +----+--------+
> 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> The physical order of the rows changed (as you can see) but it does not
> re-use the id's that were deleted.
> Ordering by the id will get you the last bunch inserted.
> If you're using innodb you'll have to be aware it's transaction specific, if
> you're using myisam it will be system wide.

I'll have to check my DBs then, because the exact situation I
described happened to me a few years back when I was first getting
into the DB scene. Regardless, I'm fairly certain the MSSQL box we
have at work behaves this way.

// Todd

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