Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Now selecting "de" as prefered language is  working,  but  if  I 
> select "de_DE" in  Firefox,  the  second  term  "About Us"  is 
> something like "Über Uns" insteed "Über Uns" because the Website is
> UTF-8. 

Indeed.  I'll venture a guess and say it's because your dictionary file
is bad or not actually UTF8.

> This is realy weird, since the MO file  is  the  same  for  both 
> locale versions.

Ah. Very weird, yes.  Are you doing a setlocale() anywhere? 

> Also it is weird, that "php-gettext" does not do a fallback, if  I 
> have only "de" and not "de_DE".

Fallback to what?  I only have 'de' in my browser language preferences,
and your site came up fine in German.


Per Jessen, Zürich (11.7°C)

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