2009/4/6 Andrew Williams <andrew4willi...@gmail.com>:
> I mean How do I kill it automatically via script and not command line:
> File name: while_loop_script.php
> $ch = curl_init("mydomain/update_script.php?action=run");
> curl_exec($ch);
> curl_close($ch);
> {exit or kill  script}
> window schedule task:
> run box: php.exe to scheldule task it every 5 minutes:
> C:\php.exe D:\update\while_loop_script.php

It's been a while since I've used PHP on Windows but IIRC you want to
be using php-cli.exe not php.exe.



> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Marc <li...@bithub.net> wrote:
>> >I need to exit php.exe window after completing an assigned task. Does
>> anyone
>> >knows how to close, exit,  kill or stop the window
>> Run your PHP.exe by using appending "& exit" to your command. For instance:
>> php.exe [YOUR COMMAND ARGS] & exit
>> Greetings from Germany
>> Marc
>> --
>> Sync and share your files over the web for free
>> http://bithub.net/
>> My Twitter feed
>> http://twitter.com/MarcSteinert
> --
> Best Wishes
> Andrew Williams

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