I know this isn't exactly what you were probably looking for but...

If you have a Windows machine available I would recommend taking a
look at the ODBTP project at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net. ODBTP
stands for Open DataBase Transport Protocol. The short version is that
you add a client module to PHP which allows you to connect to a server
on the windows machine. Using this client/server you can connect to
any ODBC source on the windows machine from the Mac.

I know it's not perfect (since you need Windows running) but we've
used it to add Web acessibility to a legacy VFP app with some success.

Caveat: These are, all things considered, relatively small
installations. By small I mean 5-100 users per intranet accessing
100-20,000 customer records. I could not imagine using this solution
for any major, publicly accessible web site. (We have one client that
tracks 300,000+ records and performance is NOTICABLY slow)

Pro: Allows you to access any odbc compliant database from any web
server that you can compile the client for.

Con: Requires Windows (works reasonably well with a Parallels
installation though...) Only as stable as the underlying ODBC driver
(the VFP driver is single threaded and locks up after a while... but
restarting the ODBTP service frees it all up.)

Overall: Good for transitioning from a "Legacy" application or for
infrequent tasks like importing from "windows only" file formats (like

We've used this in several installations where the client doesn't want
to lose their legacy app, "refuses" to upgrade and wants to provide
web access to sales people on the road. We've seen the best
performance using PHP under IIS on Windows connecting to the same
machine. Our worst case for performance is an installation that uses a
Mac OSX 10.4 XServe Web Server connecting to a Windows 2003 Server
which then accesses VFP data files on a Novell Server of some flavor.
(From that client I learned that apparently Windows ALWAYS tries the
Microsoft network file redirectors before it will try any available
Novell network file redirectors. At least that's what the Client's IT
department tells me whenever we relay user complaints about the speed
at that site)

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Rahul S. Johari
<sleepwal...@rahulsjohari.com> wrote:
> Ave,
> Does anyone have any knowledge on connecting a FoxPro table (.dbf, dbase)
> using ODBC on a Mac OS X? I've been googling but not much is turning up.
> Some information is available on ODBC Connections using PHP ... very little
> on Mac OS X ... and absolutely none to do with a FoxPro dBase table.
> Thanks.
> ---
> Rahul Sitaram Johari
> Founder, Internet Architects Group, Inc.

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