PJ wrote:
I seem to recall that it is possible to count all instances of a query
that is limited by $RecordsPerPage without repeating the same query. I
believe that COUNT() had to called immediately after the SELECT word but
I neglected to bookmark the source. Dummy!

You're probably thinking of



It's not always faster though (http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2007/08/28/to-sql_calc_found_rows-or-not-to-sql_calc_found_rows/).

I don't like the idea of count(*) over count() or something like that as
it seems rather slow fram what I read.
right now I do this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM book
        WHERE id IN (SELECT bookID
        FROM book_author WHERE authID IN (SELECT author.id
        FROM author WHERE LEFT(last_name, 1 ) = '$Auth')) ";
$Count1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql, $db));

The problem with this is if your '*' includes 50 fields (from all of the tables in the joins etc) then that is still processed in mysql taking up memory especially.

Doing a count() just has 1 field - the count.

$sql = "select count(1) as count from book ....
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$count = $row['count'];

$Count gives me the actual rows for display - $Count1 gives me the total
rows available.

Can this be streamlined any?

Not really.

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