Thanks - actually, as I just figured out, there were PHP errors, but I
never saw them because of the redirection header at the end...

If I comment that out, I see that I didn't have execute permissions on
the SP....

Thanks for the help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Blanchard [] 
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:17 PM
To: David Stoltz;
Subject: RE: [PHP] What am I doing wrong?

I can't seem to understand PHP error trapping...I have it turned on in
php.ini, and on the page in question, I have "error_reporting(E_ALL);"
on the page in question below - the following code does NOT generate any
errors, but it doesn't perform the insert either....the stored procedure
exists, but even if I purposely misspell the stored procedure name, no
errors are raised...any advice?

//submit the request

//write entry into database
$fname = $_POST[fname];
$lname = $_POST[lname];
$dept = $_POST[dept];
$phone = $_POST[phone];
$super = $_POST[super];
$groups = $_POST[groups];

//Assign the server connection to a variable
$connect = mssql_connect('SERVERNAME,1433', 'username', 'password');
//Select your database and reference the connection
mssql_select_db('DBName', $connect);

// Create a new stored prodecure
$stmt = mssql_init('sp_name');

// Bind the field names
mssql_bind($stmt, '@fname',$fname,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,25);
mssql_bind($stmt, '@lname',$lname,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,25);
mssql_bind($stmt, '@dept',$dept,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,50);
mssql_bind($stmt, '@phone',$phone,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,25);
mssql_bind($stmt, '@super',$super,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,50);
mssql_bind($stmt, '@groups',$groups,SQLVARCHAR,false,false,8000);

// Execute 

header("Location: done.php");


No PHP error occurs that is why you do not get an error. Insert this 

after the execute and you should get a message back from SQL Server

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