On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Stefan Langwald wrote:

MySQLs own Function AES_(EN|DE)CRYPT is pretty cool for this case.

Stefan Langwald

We use MySQL's AES_(EN|DE)CRYPT. It's fast, easy to use and uses 128 bit encryption (optionally 256).



2009/4/17 דניאל דנון <danondan...@gmail.com>:
If its by a user-basis, something that can be a bit risky but possible - You can encrypt it, password is hashed on database, and the key to the other
data is the un-encrypted password..

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Russell Jones <rjon...@gmail.com> wrote:

We are looking at a project where we will potentially need to store
sensetive information in a few fields of a MySQL table. Any recommendations on where to look for best practices in doing this? for encrypting the data, etc.? We will need to be able to decrypt the data as well, although this
probably be done locally, so hashing alone is not really an option.

Russell Jones

Use ROT26 for best security

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