On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 18:42 -0400, PJ wrote:
> Jim Lucas wrote:
> > PJ wrote:
> >> Is there a module to be activated or what has to be installed to have
> >> ttf support in php?
> >> My port on FreeBSD does not have an option for ttf support under make
> >> config .
> >> I'm trying to learn & understand the following:
> >> In file1 : <img src="button.php?s=36&text=PHP+is+Cool" />
> >> In file2 (button.php)- originally php3 :
> >> <?php
> >>   Header("Content-type: image/gif");
> >>   if(!isset($s)) $s=11;
> >
> > The above should be:
> >
> > if ( empty($_GET['s']) ) {
> >     $s = 11;
> > } else {
> >     $s = (int)$_GET['s'];
> > }
> >
> >>   $size = imagettfbbox($s,0,"times.ttf",$text);
> >
> > and this should be
> >
> > $text = '';
> > if ( !empty($_GET['text']) )
> >     $text = your_custom_input_cleaner_function($_GET['text']);
> >
> > $size = imagettfbbox($s,0,"times.ttf",$text);
> >
> >>   $dx = abs($size[2]-$size[0]);
> >>   $dy = abs($size[5]-$size[3]);
> >>   $xpad=9;
> >>   $ypad=9;
> >>   $im = imagecreate($dx+$xpad,$dy+$ypad);
> >>   $blue = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0x2c,0x6D,0xAF);
> >>   $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0,0,0);
> >>   $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,255,255);
> >>   ImageRectangle($im,0,0,$dx+$xpad-1,$dy+$ypad-1,$black);
> >>   ImageRectangle($im,0,0,$dx+$xpad,$dy+$ypad,$white);
> >>   ImageTTFText($im, $s, 0, (int)($xpad/2)+1, $dy+(int)($ypad/2), $black,
> >> "times.ttf", $text);
> >>   ImageTTFText($im, $s, 0, (int)($xpad/2), $dy+(int)($ypad/2)-1, $white,
> >> "times.ttf", $text);
> >>   ImageGif($im);
> >>   ImageDestroy($im);
> >> ?>
> >> ONLY the above & nothing else. So far, all I get is a small blue square.
> >> Replacing the $text with the text just gives a rectangle a bit wider.
> >> gd is installed but ttf is not, so I figure that is the culprit.
> >> But how is the text supposed to be assigned to $text from file1?
> >> TIA
> Thank you for that. Now it works. I see, the $s had to come from
> somewhere...
> But what's the custom_cleaner_function - I mean, to clean what? & Why?
> What if I use some foreign accents, like &eacute; or  &Agrave; ?
> -- 
> Hervé Kempf: "Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme."
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Phil Jourdan --- p...@ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.ptahhotep.com
>    http://www.chiccantine.com/andypantry.php
content coming from MS Office clipboard pastes generally contain
characters that are encoded wrong, and do not display correctly in web
pages unless they have very relaxed doctypes. The function I generally
use is:

function removeMSCrap($crap)
        $find = Array(chr(128), chr(133), chr(8226), chr(145), chr(8217),
chr(146), chr(8220), chr(147), chr(8221), chr(148), chr(8226), chr(149),
chr(8211), chr(150), chr(8212), chr(151), chr(8282), chr(153), chr(169),
        $replace = Array("&euro;", "&#133;", "&#8243;", "&#039;", "&#039;",
"&#039;", "&#039;", "&#034;", "&#034;", "&#034;", "&#034;", "&#149;",
"&#149;", "&#150;", "&#150;", "&#151;", "&#151;", "&#153;", "&#153;",
"&copy;", "&reg;");
        $roses = str_replace($find, $replace, $crap);
        return $roses;


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