Hi, you have to break your table in pieces and create tables for items that occur more 
than once. For example:

CREATE TABLE articles (
ID int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
id_category UNSIGNED INT REFERENCES category,
BODY longblob ,

CREATE TABLE pictures (
ID int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
PICTURE longblob ,
id_article UNSIGNED INT REFERENCES articles)

CREATE TABLE category (
ID int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
category varchar(30))

So, if you want to list all the pictures of the article 'Linux Rules!' you have to 
write a query like:

SELECT heading, picture FROM articles, pictures WHERE pictures.id_article = 
articles.id AND heading='Linux Rules!'
PS: A create the table category to illustrate how to put things in order with some 
normal forms.

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 02:31:55PM +0530, kachaloo wrote:
> Hi guys,
>         I am making a table which will store articles for a site
>         and the feilds are :
>         ID int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>         CATEORY varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EVENTS' ,
>         HEADING varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
>         BODY longblob ,
>         PICTURE longblob ,
>         KEYWORD varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
>         FILENAME varchar(50) ,
>         FILESIZE varchar(50) ,
>         FILETYPE varchar(50) ,
>         PRIMARY KEY (ID),
>         UNIQUE ID (ID)
>         But now I noticed some of the articles will have more than one
>         picture... so how do I structure my talbe ?
>         Thanks in advance,
>         Vishal
> -- 
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