On 7/31/09 10:14 AM, "Bastien Koert" <phps...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Miller,
Terion<tmil...@springfi.gannett.com> wrote:
> On 7/31/09 9:53 AM, "Bastien Koert" <phps...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Miller,
> Terion<tmil...@springfi.gannett.com> wrote:
>> On 7/31/09 8:58 AM, "m0s" <d...@lenss.nl> wrote:
>> (!empty($row['notes']) && IsAlpha($row['notes']))
>> I tried that and this one:
>> If (!empty($row['notes']) && ctype_alpha($row['notes']))
>> It didn't display the notes at all...
>> And this one...doesn't display if the field has a 0 in it but I still need 
>> it to?
>> If (!empty($row['critical']) && ctype_alnum($row['critical']))
>> --
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> Hey Teri,
> Could the return from the db have a space or something in the value? Perhaps
> If (!empty($row['critical']) && ctype_alnum((int)$row['critical']))
> might work
> --
> Bastien
> Cat, the other other white meat
> It's got me stumped, tried it and it still will not echo if the field has a 0 
> in it:
> If (!empty($row['critical']) && ctype_alnum((int)$row['critical'])){        
> echo(" Critical violations found: ". $row['critical'] .". ");

If you echo it out what is the value?

echo "[".$row['critical']."]";

what do you get?



Cat, the other other white meat

If I echo it I get the int that is in the field from the db fine...so it's 
something with my statement?

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