I guess I know what may be wrong. My function that includes the files, it
is called several times, with different arguments being passed.

  It is something like:

function LoadPositionedModules ($posv, $posh)
    // $posv is vertical position, and $posh is horizontal position
    // Inside it, something like:

    SELECT file_to_include FROM table WHERE posv = '$posv' AND posh =

   // Then the fetch_array, include, etc...

  So if I call:

LoadPositionedModules ('Left', 'Center');

  And it includes files feeding the SQL. On this included file I define a

$test = "Show Me!";

  If I call again, but with different parameters:

LoadPositionedModules ('Left', 'Footer');

  Then I guess the problem is that I can't use the $test var from the first
included file. It's clear to me why I can't now, thanks.

  So I believe a solution would be to find out how to use this var outside
the function scope. That was my second question.. Anyone have any ideas? I
guess I could register it on a session, or return it...


  Julio Nobrega.

Yes, I am developing another 'Portal-System'
Have a look:

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