You can do this...

for( $b=true; <your-statement>; $b = !$b )

I usually use this solution....

$types = array( 'one', 'two' );
foreach( $list as $item ) # <-- your set of (many) items
    echo current( $types ); # <-- this prints the current class
    # code
    next( $types ) or reset( $types ); # and this do the magic

Hey! look, this solution can work with more than 2 types...
try it with many types: $types = array( 'one', 'two', three', 'four' );

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:16 PM, John Butler

> quick Q:
> I have this inside a foreach{}  that I want to alternate between on and off
> so I can alternate the background-color of my <tr>'s.
> $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter != $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter; //-boolean on
> and off
> I am looking thru' docs and books, but can't remember (nor find now) in PHP
> how to say "inverse your value" (to a boolean).
> ?
> TIA! -G
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Martin Scotta

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