Alberto García Gómez wrote:
> Dear Fellows:
> I want ot upgrade my PHP from 5.1.x to 5.2.x. I want to do using rpm, but any 
> time that I going to upgrade the rpm request me more dependencies.
> How can I configure my rpm (or other command) to automaticly satisfy my 
> dependencies.
> Saludos Fraternales
> _____________________________
> Atte.
> Alberto García Gómez M:.M:.
> Administrador de Redes/Webmaster
> IPI "Carlos Marx", Matanzas. Cuba.

Depends upon what package manager you're using and the OS.  I don't
think that the rpm package manager will resolve/install needed
dependencies, but there are others.  If you're using fedora/redhat then
you can try yum or there is also an apt for fc/rh.


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