it would help if u would tell us what u want to accomplish with this ativity


"Martin Scotta" <> wrote in message
> Hi all!
> I've written a little Design Patterns Catalog in PHP.
> The patterns where taken from GoF: *Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
> Object-Oriented Software* (ISBN
> This catalog includes (for each pattern):
>    1. general description
>    2. class responsibilities
>    3. UML
>    4. structural source
>    5. documentation
>    6. implementation example
> Also I've upload the documentation into my site for online purposes.
> I don't know if I can send files attached through this list... so, if you
> want a copy just reply to this message.
> Any bug, comment, or anything you like to say is welcome!
> -- 
> Martin Scotta

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