Hi gang:

Here's another exercise to consider.

This is a date entry problem where the user can enter a date in various forms, but the return will be in a consistent format.

For example, a user might enter a date in the form of:

August 5, 2009
Aug 05 2009
Aug 5, 9
8 05 2009

Or any combination thereof.

However, the resultant date will be standardized to: Aug 5, 2009.

Extra points for solving this for Euro as well as US date formats (i.e., 5 Aug, 2009 vs Aug 5, 2009). And, extra extra points for accommodating month brevity, such as "A" for August and "Mar" for March and so on.

Gentlemen, start your keyboards.  :-)

As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, The Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.



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