On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 16:00 +0200, Merlin Morgenstern wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am highlighting keywords with the help of pregreplace. This works 
> great with one limitation. If the word that has to be replaced contains 
> a slash, preg throws an error. So far I could not find a fix. Can 
> someone help?
> Here is the code:
>     $pattern = "/\b($words)\b/is";
>     $replace = '<span style="background:#FF0000;color:#FCCCCC;">\\1</span>';
>     return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$str);
> Thank you in advance,
> Merlin
Well, a slash has a special meaning inside PHP strings, more so for
double quoted strings. Are you correctly escaping the slash as a double
slash so that it's not interpreted by the string as an escaped
character, as you will need to as the preg_replace will be interpreting
it as an escape sequence to match?


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