$ARR = array(
 'a' => array('b' => 'blah')

function set($key)
   global $ARR;

   foreach ($key as $i => $k) {
        if ($i == 0) {
               $sourcevar =& $ARR[$k];
           } else {
               $sourcevar =& $sourcevar[$k];

// unset($sourcevar); // will cancel the reference - we want to unset the ['b'], but how?

$sourcevar = null; // will set it NULL, but won't unset...

foreach ($ARR ... // I could run a cleanup, that would go through all of the array and unset what is NULL, but I would need to use REFERENCES again!! array_walk_recursive() is also worthless... any ideas?


set( array('a', 'b') );

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