On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:36:55PM -0400, Daniel Brown wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 23:29, Paul M Foster <pa...@quillandmouse.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure how to do this. Please no exotic external libraries my
> > shared hosting provider doesn't include. RTFM will be fine; just tell me
> > which Fine Manual to Read.
>     Nothing too exotic at all, Paul.  Check out cURL:
>     http://php.net/curl

I was afraid you were going to say that, and I wasn't sure cURL was
supported on that server. But I just loaded phpinfo on that server, and
it is supported.

However, assuming it *wasn't*, I've found the following example from a
google search (thank goodness for google's "hinting" or I couldn't have
found it):

$fp = fsockopen("www.site.com", 80);
fputs($fp, "POST /script.php HTTP/1.0
Host: www.site.com
Content-Length: 7


I don't know much about doing things this way. It appears that when done
this way, the "body" must be separated by a newline, just like email.
And it appears that the content-length of 7 indicates the length of the
"q=proxy" string. Assuming I piled on a few other passed variables the
same way as "q", separated by newlines (and adjusted the Content-Length
accordingly), would the above work? Are there liabilities to doing it
this way?


Paul M. Foster

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