On Sat, 2009-10-03 at 15:33 +0200, Ralph Deffke wrote:
> u increment after! asigning, so far so good, but for math reasons the
> interpreter has to keep in mind the 123 you want to assign before increment
> to the same var.
> this is absolutely correct what php does here.
> $num = ++$num; would print 124
> the same like
> $num++;
> on the other hand this is just bullshit I would release any programmer using
> that type of code.
> ralph_def...@yahoo.de
> <clanc...@cybec.com.au> wrote in message
> news:8fudc5tc6qvfj4n297kvjlqd3s7sjdk...@4ax.com...
> > Daevid Vincent is surprised that:
> >
> > $num = 123;
> > $num = $num++;
> > print $num;  //this prints 123 and not 124 ?!!
> >
> > To me this is relatively logical. As I understand it, the post-increment
> operator says "do
> > something with the variable, and then increment it. The trouble in this
> case is that we
> > are doing something irrational; we are copying the number back to itself,
> and to me it is
> > reasonably logical (or at least no less illogical than the alternative) to
> assume that if
> > we copy it to itself, then increment the original version, the copy will
> not be
> > incremented.
> >
> > However there is one feature of PHP which, to my mind, is really bad
> design. How many of
> > you can see anything wrong with the following procedure to search a list
> of names for a
> > particular name?
> >
> > $i = 0; $j = count ($names); while ($i < $j)
> > { if ($names[$i] == $target) { break; }
> > ++$i;
> > }
> >
> > As long as the names are conventional names, this procedure is probably
> safe to use.
> > However if you allow the names to be general alphanumeric strings, it is
> not reliable. One
> > of my programs recently broke down in one particular case, and when I
> eventually isolated
> > the bug I discovered that it was matching '2260' to '226E1'. (The logic of
> this is: 226E1
> > = 226*10^1 = 2260).
> >
> > I agree that I was well aware of this trap, and that I should not have
> used a simple
> > comparison, but it seems to me to be a bizarre design decision to assume
> that anything
> > which can be converted to an integer, using any of the available
> notations, is in fact an
> > integer, rather than making the default to simply treat it as a string. It
> is also a trap
> > that it is very easy to fall into if you start off thinking about simple
> names, and then
> > extend (or borrow) the procedure to use more general strings.
> >
> > And can anyone tell me whether, in the above case, it is sufficient to
> write simply:
> >     if ((string) $names[$i] == $target),
> >
> > or should I write:
> >     if ((string) $names[$i] == (string) $target)?
> >
> > (I decided to play safe and use strcmp ().)
> >
You'd release a programmer for using the incremental operators for self


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