Jim Lucas wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> So, actually taking a minute to read up on addcslashes(), it is a
>>> rather handy
>>> little function.
>>> Taking the list of characters that mysql_real_escape_string() says it
>>> escapes:
>>> http://us3.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string
>>> Which it lists: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a
>>> \0  = \x0
>>> \10 = \n
>>> \13 = \r
>>> \92 = \
>>> \44 = '
>>> \34 = "
>>> \26 = \x1a
>>> You could do something like this.
>>> function cleaner($input) {
>>>        return addcslashes($input, "\0\10\13\92\44\34\26");
>>> }
>>> Maybe this will help...
>>> Jim
>> So far as I understand mysql_real_escape_string() was invented because
>> addslashes() is not adequate.
> If you look a little closer, you will see that I am not using
> addslashes().  Rather, I am using addcslashes().  This allows to specify
> the characters that I want escaped, instead of the default assumed
> characters from addslashes().

Thinking a little deeper here, you say you are concerned about the character
type, yet you say that it is all assumed UTF-8.  Is everything going to be UTF-8
or something else?

If it is all going to be UTF-8, then the addcslashes() variation above will 

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