Brian Hazelton wrote:
I have a script which uploads csv data into a database. This works well and has worked in every instance so far. However what I am noticing is that today, even if I escape the data before putting it into mysql it will not enter a line if it has a single quote, once I take out the single quote it enters it into the database so I know it is the single quote, is this an error or are single quotes not allowed in csv...?

I figured out part of the problem. The problem lies with one of my functions for cleaning the data before putting it into the database. I have a function, see below, that will clean the data to put into mysql and work whether magic quotes is on or off. It is not working because I echo the query and the part I need escaped is not being escaped. I try mysql_real_escape_string and it is being escaped by that so I think the problem is something with my function, if anyone can help that would be appreciated.

function clean($str){
       return $str;
       return $str;

$name = 'O'Leksy';
$cleaned_name = clean($name);

echo of $cleaned name = O'Leksy';
if mysql_real_escape_string is used it echoes O\'Leksy';

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