Perhaps my function may help you...

Use it like this:

<td class="label<?php if ($submit_new) echo ' required_txt'; ?>"><label
for="problem_category">Problem Category:</label></td>
<td><?php select_box_array(1, 'problem_category',
get_array('problem_category'), true, false, $_REQUEST['problem_category']);

Or with the double_up_uh_uh() function to save redundant array key/values:

<td class="label"><label for="unit_opened">Unit opened for
<td><?php select_box_array(1, 'unit_opened', double_up_uh_uh(array('Yes',
'No')), true, false, $_REQUEST['unit_opened']); ?></td>

* Dynamically generates a select box from a $key => $value array.
* the array can be generated on the fly or stored.
* the key is the OPTION value and the $value is the name shown in the box.
* if there is only a key, then that is used as the value too.
* very useful for boolean type listboxes too.
* also useful to save DB queries for supporting tables.
* Tooltips do NOT work in IE6. sorry. blame Microsoft for not following W3
* @access       public
* @return       mixed  integer # of elements in select box or string of
actual select box if $echo == true.
* @param        integer $size usually 1, but the select box can be any
* @param        string $name the NAME='$name' parameter of a SELECT tag.
* @param        array $listArray The actual key => value formatted array.
* @param        boolean $blank add the extra 'empty' <OPTION VALUE=''>.
* @param        boolean $auto onChange will cause a form submit if true.
* @param        string $MatchToThis sometimes it is useful to match $name to
something like $_GET['name'] instead. it is array safe too!
* @param        string $extratags Any extra CLASS='' or MULTIPLE or whatever
to put in the <SELECT ...> tag.
* @param   boolean $indent When using an array of arrays, the sub arrays
will be grouped using <OPTGROUP>. If you want to disable the indent when
$size is greater than 1, change this to false.
* @param        boolean $echo Output the selectbox in place (true) or return
it as a string
* @see  select_box_sql()
* @author       Daevid Vincent [dae...@]
function select_box_array($size=1, $name, $listArray, $blank = false, $auto
= false, $MatchToThis = false, $extratags = false, $indent = true, $echo =
        global $$name;
        $items = 0;
        if (intval($size) < 1) $size = 1;
        if ($MatchToThis === false) $MatchToThis = $$name;
        $out = '';

        $out .= "\n<select size=\"".$size."\" name=\"".$name."\"
        if ($auto) $out .= ' onChange="this.form.submit(); return true;"';
        if ($extratags) $out .= " ".$extratags;
        //if ($size > 1) $out .= ' onmouseover="selectBoxTitle(this);"';
        $out .= ">\n";

        if (count($listArray) > 0)
                if( ! is_bool( $indent ) || ( ! $indent && ( $size == 1 ) )
) $indent = true;
                if ($blank && is_bool($blank) ) { $out .= "\n<option
value=\"\"></option>\n"; }
                elseif ($blank && is_string($blank)) { $out .= "\n<option
value=\"\" title=\"" . $blank . "\" ".((selected_if_in_array($MatchToThis,
'') || '' === $MatchToThis) ? 'selected' : '').">".$blank."</option>\n"; }
                foreach($listArray as $key => $val)
                        // Check for selectbox sub-headings.
                        if( is_array($val) )
                                $out .= ( $indent ?
                                        "\t<optgroup LABEL=\"" .
stripslashes( $key ) . "\">\n" :
                                        "\t<option value=\"\"
CLASS=\"selectbox-ghosted\" disabled=\"disabled\">--- " . trim(
preg_replace( '/^-*(.*?)-*$/', '\\1', stripslashes( $key ) ) ) . "
                                foreach( $val as $subkey => $subval )
                                        $out .= "\t\t<option value=\"" .
$subkey . "\" title=\"" . stripslashes( $subval ? $subval : $subkey ) .
(selected_if_in_array($MatchToThis, $subkey) || $subkey == $MatchToThis)
$out .= ' selected="selected"';
                                                if ($size > 1) $out .= '
onmouseover="this.title = this.text;"';
                                        $out .= '>';
                                        $out .= stripslashes( $subval ?
$subval : $subkey );
                                        $out .= "</option>\n";
                                $out .= (($indent) ? "\t</optgroup>\n" :
                        elseif( 0 == strncmp( $val, "---", 3 ) )
                                $out .= "<option value=\"\" disabled
                                $out .= "\t<option value=\"".$key."\"
title=\"" . stripslashes( (($val)?$val:$key) ) . "\"";
                                if (selected_if_in_array($MatchToThis, $key)
|| $key == $MatchToThis) $out .= " selected";
                                        //if ($size > 1) $out .= "
                                        if ($size > 1) $out .= '
onmouseover="this.title = this.text;"';
                                $out .= '>';
                                $out .= stripslashes( $val ? $val : $key );
                                $out .= "</option>\n";
                } //foreach
        } //if count(listArray)

        $out .= "</select>\n";

        if ($echo)
                echo $out;
                return count($listArray);
        else return $out;

* @return       mixed 'selected' or false
* @param        array $haystack the array that contains the selected items
* @param        string $needle the item in the $haystack we're looking for.
* @author       Daevid Vincent [dae...@]
function selected_if_in_array(&$haystack, $needle)
        if ( !is_array($haystack) ) return false;
        return ( in_array($needle, $haystack) ) ? 'selected' : false;

* Take an array of unique values and make the keys the same as the value.
* Useful for select boxes for example.
* @access       public
* @return       mixed
* @param        array $myArray
* @author       Daevid Vincent [dae...@]
function double_up_uh_uh($myArray)
        foreach($myArray as $k => $v)
                $tmp[$v] = $v;
        return $tmp;

* Returns the first non-empty value in the array,
* Works much like mySQL's function,
* except this is an array passed in rather than a list of parameters.
* @access       public
* @return       mixed
* @param        array $myArray
* @author       Daevid Vincent [dae...@]
function coalesce($myArray)
        foreach($myArray as $a) if ($a) return $a;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Wieland [] 
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PHP] Build Categories based on an static Array
> I am trying to build a SELECT MENU (with categories). I cant seem to  
> get the syntax correct. Little help:
>       // Get Areas values for MENU
>       $AreasList = "<select name=\"Area_id\"><option 
> value=''></option>";
>       $queryR = array(0 => 'Domestic','International','Special');
>       while($rowR = $queryR->fetch_assoc()) {
>       $AreasList .= "<optgroup label=\"{$rowR['Region_Name']}\">";
>       $Area_Type = $rowR['Area_Type'];
>       $query2 = "SELECT Area_id,Area FROM Areas WHERE  
> `Area_Type`='$Area_Type' ORDER BY Area";
>       $results2 = $db->query($query2) or die("No Area found.");
>               while($row2 = $results2->fetch_assoc()) {
>                   $AreasList .= "<option  
> value='{$row2['Area_id']}'>{$row2['Area']}</option>";
>                       }
>               $AreasList .= "</optgroup>";    
>       }
>       $AreasList .= "</select>";
> Don Wieland
> D W   D a t a   C o n c e p t s
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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