Hi all. I'm sure I can't be the first person to ask this question but a search 
of the net leaves me confused.

I need a unique identifier in an SQL table and for complicated reasons I don't 
want to use auto-increment.

So I thought I would use a pseudo-random method instead. I am NOT scared of 
people guessing the unique identifier, it just has to be unique in order for 
the database to work properly.

So I looked at the uniqid() function and see it is based on the "current time 
in microseconds" and when I test it out I see that it increments (very quickly) 
when run repeatedly.

If it is based on JUST the time, then it should repeat every 24 hours, thus 
making "collisions" possible, which I don't want.

If it is based on the time AND day, then that's fine....I can use it.

So here's the problem....
When I calculate the number of microseconds since 1970 I get a 16 digit number.
But uniqid() only gives a 13 digit number.
Calculating the number of microseconds in a day gives 11 digits.

So it seems to me that the numbering sequence will repeat every 100 days, which 
risks collisions also.

Can someone explain how uniqid() is really calculated, so I can make a proper 
judgement about how to use it?

Please don't suggest using a hash of a number generated by uniqid(). Hashing a 
small number into a longer one does not add entropy, it just transforms the 
input number, so it does NOT alter the risk of collisions so there is no net 

I had a thought to just append the current date to the uniqid() result but I'm 
interested to know if anyone has a more elegant solution.

Thanks in advance.


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