On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 21:53 -0800, Allen McCabe wrote:

> Okay, suddenly I got it to filter the results, but I still can't figure out
> where this part of the query is coming from, at the end of the query string
> in the URL, I have this "filter.x=0&filter.y=0".
> No where in my form do I have a field named filter.x or filter.y. I DO
> however, have 3 forms (I don't want to mess with AJAX), my set up looks like
> this:
> Filter by:
> User - [username dropdown  v] Order by [database fields  v] Asc/Desc
> [Ascend  v] - Go
> School - [school dropdown  v] Order by [database fields  v] Asc/Desc
> [Ascend  v] - Go
> Show - [show dropdown  v] Order by [database fields  v] Asc/Desc [Ascend  v]
> - Go
> There are actually two order by fields, but this gives you the idea. Each of
> the three lines is a separate form, each with a unique name all with a "get"
> method, but all three Go buttons are named "filter", I didn't think to try
> changing it until now, but is this perhaps where the filter.x and filter.y
> are coming from? I have never seen this before in a query.
> Oh, now the filter that was working spontaneously gives me the error I have
> been getting all along, this is so frustrating.
> To those who asked, yes I am connected to the database; I forgot to mention
> that the else part of my if statement works, as long as I don't try to
> filter my results it works.
> Here is an example of the URL that my filter function (via one of the 3
> forms) outputs:
> http://lpacmarketing.hostzi.com/afy/orders/default.php?filterby=school&schoolid=36&orderby1=order_id&asc_desc_order1=Descend&orderby2=pmt_recd_date&asc_desc_order2=Descend&filter.x=13&filter.y=8&filter=Go
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Philip Thompson 
> <philthath...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > On Nov 23, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Allen McCabe wrote:
> >
> > > Hi, thanks for reading, I hope you can help:
> > >
> > > In my main file for an orders page I have the following code:
> > >
> > >
> > > if (isset($_GET['filterby']))
> > > {
> > >  $resultOrders = adminFilterQuery();
> > >  $numberOfOrders = mysql_num_rows($resultOrders);
> > > }
> > > else
> > > {
> > >  $resultOrders = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM afy_order;") or
> > > die(mysql_error("Could not query the database!"));
> > >  $numberOfOrders = mysql_num_rows($resultOrders);
> > > }
> >
> > You reduce this part by one line by putting the following after the else
> > statement and removing the other 2:
> >
> > $numberOfOrders = mysql_num_rows ($resultOrders);
> >
> > Also, these queries don't need a semi-colon (;) to end the query. PHP
> > handles this part. Remove them.
> >
> >
> > > adminFilterQuery() is a custom function that is supposed to return a
> > > mysql_query, here are the last few lines of this function:
> > >
> > >
> > > $query = "SELECT * FROM afy_order WHERE school_id = '{$school}' ORDER BY
> > > {$order_by_param};";
> > > $result = mysql_query($query);
> > > return $result;
> > >
> > > l am getting this error when I try to filter my query using a form in
> > tandem
> > > with the quey building function:
> > >
> > > *Warning*: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
> > result
> > > resource
> > >
> > > where the line is the one where I use the mysql_num_rows function.
> > >
> > > What am I missing here?
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> >
> > Do you get this warning with both queries? Make sure that your queries are
> > using a valid mysql connection. You may also consider using a database class
> > to perform the repetitive tasks so that you really only have to be concerned
> > with the queries you're writing...?
> >
> > <?php
> > class database {
> >    public function query ($sql) {
> >        $result = mysql_query ($sql);
> >        if ($result === false) {
> >            die ('Uh oh!');
> >        }
> >        return $result;
> >    }
> >
> >    public function numRows ($result) {
> >        return mysql_num_rows ($result);
> >    }
> > }
> > $db = new database();
> > $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM afy_order');
> > $numRows = $db->numRows($result);
> > ?>
> >
> > Of course this is just a simple example, but you get the idea. Hope that
> > stirs your brain!
> >
> > ~Philip

My guess would be that you're submitting the form using an image button,
which would send the x and y coordinates of the click within the button.


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