c...@hosting4days.com wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2009, at 12:27 AM, Gaurav Kumar wrote:
>> You can do two things-
>> 1. Read the file by providing a base directory path of the server
>> where the
>> file exist.
>> Something like- //htdocs/httpfolder/files/audio/yourfile.mp3
>> You can take this in a variable " //htdocs/httpfolder/files/audio/".
>> 2. Try using file_get_contents.
>> Something like $file = file_get_contents('
>> http://www.example.com/audio/file.mp3', false, $context);
>> Hope this helps.
> Thanks for your help Gaurav,
> After a few tests based on your suggestions - I noticed why I think
> there was a problem:
> this line:
> elseif (! file_exists( $path ) )
> worked locally but failed when the path was a http url:
> $directory = "http://mysite.com/test1/";;
> so when I took out that elseif then readfile("$path"); did work
> SO: Is there a php function that can work like file_exists( $path )
> and tell if the file exists but work from a URL like:
> $thisfile = "http://mysite.com/test1/audio.mp3";;
> Thanks,
> c...@hosting4days.com

You could possibly check the results of get_headers($thisfile);


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