I can't see any conceivable benefit to this restriction when using 
open_basedir, as I thought that related to the local file system - unless CURL 
can use file:// URLs to access the local system?
That's the problem.
I always use open_basedir (not all the sites on my servers are safe enough). And that so called security restriction just makes me fury (unless I don't see significant reasons for it). So, in order not to irritate my nervous system every time somebody asks me to unset open_basedir for CURL I decided to find the roots of that PHP developers' action.

And I don't think it's related to the local file system: there is another option that restricts protocols while redirecting, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, which allows by default all the protocols supported by CURL, but file and scp. So this kind of restriction (do not follow file:// while redirecting) would make sense, but not disabling FOLLOWLOCATION at all. Either they had a better reason or they messed up a bit :)

Still trying to find a better explanation.

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