2010/1/5 Ingleby, Les <les.in...@tynemet.ac.uk>:
> Hi everyone, thanks so much for your help. The pathinfo($filename, 
> PATHINFO_FILENAME); works a treat for me, since I am dealing and will only be 
> dealing with a word doc then this is awesome.
> Still new to PHP but self taught and scripting is coming on hence I don't 
> know many functions just yet.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn McKenzie [mailto:nos...@mckenzies.net]
> Sent: 05 January 2010 15:09
> To: a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk
> Cc: Ingleby, Les; php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: splitting a string
> Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 08:45 -0600, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>>> Ingleby, Les wrote:
>>>> Hi all, first time I have posted here so please be nice.
>>>> I am using PEAR HTTP_Upload to handle multiple file uploads. What I need 
>>>> to do is to take the file name which is output using the getProp() 
>>>> function and then remove the file extension from the end of the file for 
>>>> example:
>>>> Original name held in the getProp() array [name] "word_doccument.docx"
>>>> I need to put this into a string such as
>>>> $filename = $props['name'];
>>>> I then need to separate the file name from the file extension.
>>>> I have been reading the php manual do please don't bother referring me to 
>>>> that.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
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>>> list($filename) = explode('.', $props['name']);
>>> Or if you may need the extension:
>>> list($filename, $extension) = explode('.', $props['name']);
>>> --
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Shawn
>>> http://www.spidean.com
>> I just though. How would all these methods fare when given a file like
>> archive.tar.gz, where the .tar.gz is the full extension, not just
>> the .gz?
>> Thanks,
>> Ash
>> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> Well I thought about that when I posted.  If all you're concerned about
> is the filename then my first example works great, for the second to get
> the full extension you would set a limit to only return the first part
> before the . and then all the rest (assuming that the rest is the
> extension):
> list($filename, $extension) = explode('.', 'archive.tar.gz', 2);
> Of course this doesn't work for something like 'My.Word.Document.docx'
> or 'archive_v2.0.1.tar.gz', but I don't know what will with extensions
> being variable length and possibly composed of multiple periods.
> --
> Thanks!
> -Shawn
> http://www.spidean.com
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> explicitly stated otherwise.
> This e-mail and attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving 
> Tyne Metropolitan College. Tyne Metropolitan College will not be liable for 
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> --
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Make sure you check out the documentation at http://www.php.net/manual/en.

You can use http://www.php.net/function_name_here as a short cut -
e.g. http://www.php.net/substr

Pick one of the functions we've mentioned and follow the "See also"
for other related functions.



Richard Quadling
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