I am writing code in PHP which generates HTML script. My app is fairly complex. Twice in the development of the application I have run into a problem with submit buttons which pick up the wrong url. Instead of call the url for that submit button, it appears to call the url for the first submit button on the page. The problem may be intermittent, which seems to suggest that something funny is happening with the cache. Clearing the cache did not help in the last go around. I am including the generated html code. Hitting the button 'Retrieve all ...' should call up the url get_query_forms.php. Instead it calls up the url query_form_display_data.php, which is the url for the first submit button on the page.

  Any clues to clear up this mystery would be greatly appreciated!

Mary Anderson


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
<LINK href="./DMEM.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Display Data</title>
<body> <form id="display_data" name="display_data" method="POST" action=./query_form_display_data.php?perm_batch_file=perm&pg_query_form_id=518&data_table_id=255&data_batch_id=&query_form_schema=permanent_queries&batch_input_file_id=&create_tmp_data_tables=0">

<p >
<big>72 rows have been returned by this query</big>
<p >

<table >

<tr >

<th >


<td >
<input type='text' name='max_row_count' size='3' value='0' ></input>



<p >
<input type='submit'  name='worksheet_join_element_initialize' value='Change worksheet : Change max row count' 
<input type='submit'  name='display_results' value='Display query results' 
<input type='submit'  name='generate_csv_file' value='Generate csv file' 

<p >
<input type='submit'  name='edit_existing_query_form' value='Revise query' 
<input type='submit'  name='retrieve_existing_query_forms' value='Retrieve all permanent query forms for this 
table type' 
<input type='submit'  name='retrieve_existing_query_forms' value='Retrieve all temporary query forms for this 
table type' 
<input type='submit'  name='select_table_type' value='Change data table type' 

<p >
<input type='submit'  name='home' value='Home' 
onClick="form.action='http://unproto.demog.berkeley.edu/memdemo'" ></input>

</p><input type='hidden' id='perm_batch_file' name='perm_batch_file' value='perm'><input type='hidden' id='tmp_data_values_table' 
name='tmp_data_values_table' value='display.perm_tmp_data_values_518'><input type='hidden' id='pg_query_form_id' name='pg_query_form_id' 
value='518'><input type='hidden' id='query_form_schema' name='query_form_schema' value='permanent_queries'><input type='hidden' 
id='data_table_id' name='data_table_id' value='255'><input type='hidden' id='data_batch_id' name='data_batch_id' value='218'><input type='hidden' 
id='batch_input_file_id' name='batch_input_file_id' value=''><input type='hidden' id='tf_directory' name='tf_directory' value=''><input 
type='hidden' id='tf_filename' name='tf_filename' value=''><input type='hidden' id='data_table_type_id' name='data_table_type_id' value=''><input 
type='hidden' id='user_name' name='user_name' value=''></form>

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