On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 07:53 -0800, Ryan S wrote:

> Hey Ash,Bastien!
> <clip>
> Rather than a regex, you're probably better off using something like 
> DomDocument, where you can iterate over all of the input elements in the 
> document, and check the attributes of each one to check if they match your 
> criteria.
> </clip>
> @Ash, You're kinda reading my mind... i did do this in domDocument but it 
> didnt work out so well... so now am trying to do this in a diff way.
> Is it ok if i send you the code via an attachment? it is REALLLL messy code 
> right now though.
> @Bastien, you're talking client side... i need to do this server side as then 
> i am writing the results to a file which is going to be used as a template in 
> other scripts.
> Thanks!
> Ryan

I'm not going to be about for most of the weekend now, so it might be
better putting the code in something like pastebin and posting a link to
it on here!


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