On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 17:09 +0530, Devendra Jadhav wrote:

> Hi All,
> Sorry for asking question at wrong place.. (Please tell me where to as
> questions about JQuery)
> I am using JQuery Validate plugin.
> I am validating form which contains two items Name & phone number
> Phone number contains three text boxes.
> Now the default behavior of JQuery Validate put error message in front of
> text boxes. It is ok for Name but,
> for phone number i have placed three text boxes in a row. So i want single
> message for this after the third text box.
> So i did following thing
> var form = $("#frm_something")
> form.validate({
>     submitHandler: function() {
>         alert("Valid date range!")
>      },
>     groups: {
>         dateRange: "phone1 phone2 phone3"
>     },
>     errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>         form.find(".error_container").append(error);
>     }
> });
> with above it is showing all errors in "error_container" span.
> I want only date error should come in error_container everything else should
> be as it is before (in-front of text boxes)
> Please help..

As JQuery is Javascript, you're better off asking on a Javascript list
if you can't find a dedicated JQuery one.


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